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TakLite Apollo Infrared Binoculars FAQ

This page serves as the user manual for the Apollo Infrared Binocular.


This product contains rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries have the potential to be dangerous when abused and can cause fires. It's extremely important to take special care when handling any product containing a lithium-ion battery. Do not drop, damage, expose to water, or otherwise mishandle the lithium-ion battery contained in this device. This is not a waterproof device.

This product contains sensitive electronic sensors. Do not store or use near strong electrostatic, electromagnetic, magnetic, or radioactive fields. This is a static sensitive device.


The Apollo is a handheld binocular system which provides night vision functionality via 850nm near-infrared illumination. This is the same wavelength used in many surveillance and home security cameras. The intended purpose of this device, along with the technical and design specifications, exclude it from any definitions outlined in ITAR.

This is not an ITAR device.


The Apollo has three operating modes: photo, video, and playback. The modes can be cycled by holding the MODE button. Please note that the MODE button must be held for at least two seconds before the mode change takes place.

As the name suggests, photo mode can be used to take pictures. Video mode can be used to record video. Playback mode can be used to view the media files on the internal memory card.

There are only two controls: illuminator brightness and zoom. Illuminator brightness intensity ranges from 0 (off) to 7 (maximum). To change the illuminator brightness, simply tap the positive (+) button and adjust as needed. To engage the digital zoom, simply hold the button down instead.

The Apollo has a native optical zoom of 3X (can not be adjusted) and a maximum digital zoom of 10X. 

NOTE: In previous versions of device firmware, the infrared illuminator would cycle back to zero when engaged upwards from the highest setting (7). This is no longer true in the latest firmware refresh. If you try to increase the brightness of the illuminator on the maximum setting, it will simply remain at the same power level.


The Apollo contains an optical lens which must be manually focused. It is not an automatically focusing device. To focus the device, simply rotate the focusing ring located on the underside of the binocular (right next to the tripod threads)

NOTE: Certain photography tripods may require the use of a mounting plate. In some instances, this mounting plate can block access to the Apollo's focusing ring. 

It should be noted that stability and image quality can degrade as the zoom level is increased. It is strongly recommended to utilize the device's tripod port to provide additional stabilization. 


Simply tap the MODE button to access the configuration settings. Properties such as resolution, screen brightness, white balance, exposure, and PIP mode (picture in picture) can be changed.

In general, screen brightness should be set to the lowest possible setting when using the device in true darkness. Picture in picture mode, indicated as PIP, can be useful for target tracking or making small focus adjustments. If observing a stationary location or target, PIP can be enabled to set the focus and then disabled once the ideal focus has been obtained.

While each user is welcome to personalize their device as they see fit, we have found the following settings to be suitable for most applications: 4K resolution, 1 backlight, auto white balance (WB), 0 EV, and PIP disabled.


There is a small utility port on the side of the Apollo. Simply remove the rubber plug and the USB Type-C charging port and memory card slot can be accessed. 

NOTE: Due to the Apollo's 4K resolution, a UHS Speed Class 1 (10 MB/s) Micro SD card is required. With your purchase, we include a 32GB card. If you wish to upgrade this card, please make sure you refer to this chart

To access any recorded media, the Micro SD card can be removed and inserted into the included USB/SD Card reader accessory.


1. When focusing the Apollo, it's important to be mindful of the infrared illuminator. It's easy to accidentally block the illuminator with your hand which will make it difficult to properly focus the device.

2. Even though it is not visible, near-infrared light behaves in the same exact way as visible light and can be just as harmful. Do not engage the Apollo's infrared illuminator at close distances with other humans or animals. It can be harmful to the eyes.

3. Reflective surfaces, such as road signs, can often prove to be a challenge when using infrared optics. There is no good solution for this. You must manage the brightness and direction of the illuminator carefully to make sure the reflection does not overwhelm or wash out the image.